To get ahead in competitive marketplaces, SMBs should look to tech to give them an edge. With the portability, reliability and power of Microsoft Surface devices in hand, these businesses could really break away from the pack – and you could be the reseller that supplies them their ticket to success.
Surface devices really shine when combined with Teams as part of Microsoft 365, a blend of hardware and software that unlocks and empowers collaboration.
With a variety of licensing options available from Westcoast, we make it easy to add value for your customers.
Find out why Surface is the perfect device for the modern SMB in our new guide.
Discover SurfaceSurface is perfect for professionals on the go, or for staff who regularly work from home. Thanks to their lightweight design, adaptability and rock-solid connection, Surface represents the ideal tool for the modern worker.
Top tips for remote workingThere’s a Surface device for every business need.
In fact, thanks to their ‘2-in-1’ design, businesses could actually save money on device spend and simplify the IT procurement process at the same time. When combined with Microsoft 365, Surface could prove to be one of the most cost-effective ways to upgrade legacy IT.
Discover the perfect Surface for your customers with this handy cheat sheet.
Download cheat sheetDownload the Surface and Intel marketing assets to get started with everything you need to drive sales.